Who ya gonna call . . . PANBUSTERS!

Coming to an intersection near you . . .

You have entered the Attorney General’s sign up portal to real-time viewing of law enforcement operations.  Through PanVision we take you live showing AG Investigators and support staff PanBusting.  You will observe law enforcement officers enforcing Guam’s panhandling laws against panhandlers.

By signing up you will receive notifications and a link to view real-time law enforcement operations that enforce Guam law. You will also be eligible to receive a Front Windshield Pan Sticker! (Valid while supplies last.)

Get off our Roadways & Get A Job.

Stay informed, stay tuned & stay legal. 

16 GCA § 3805(a)
Any person engaging in illegal panhandling shall be subject to a fine of $200 for the first offense and $500 for any subsequent offense.

PanBuster Gallery

AG PanBuster Livestream Gallery

× Panhandler Reporting