Divisions of the AG's Office
Child Support
The mission of the Child Support Enforcement Division (“CSED”) is to assist parents with obtaining the financial support necessary for raising their children, as mandated by both federal and local law. CSED aims to collect and timely distribute child support payments. This is done by establishing paternity of children; establishing and enforcing court orders for financial and medical support; and recovering welfare funds that have been paid on behalf of Guam’s children. Where appropriate, CSED promotes the emotional involvement of both parents in the life of a child. CSED also aims to accomplish these tasks efficiently in order to minimize taxpayer expense while also providing exemplary customer service.
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Crime Victims’ Response Unit
The Office of the Attorney General is here to help crime victims and their families by providing information on victims’ rights and protections, the criminal justice process, referrals for counseling, emergency assistance and safety planning.
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Consumer Protection
The Consumer Protection Division (CPD) is tasked with enforcing local laws against false, misleading and deceptive practices that are injurious to consumers, while safeguarding, educating and protecting the consumers of Guam through public and community outreaches.
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The mission of the Family Division is to promote the safety and well-being of our children by bringing justice to individuals who inflict upon them undue harm and danger. Family Division attorneys participate in efforts to strengthen legislation relevant to juveniles, juvenile justice reformation efforts, restorative justice, juvenile drug court, and public educational campaigns to address sexting, bullying, mutual combat and related trends.
The Solicitor Division provides legal representation, counsel and assistance to the government of Guam and its authorized entities. This includes providing legal advice, answering legal questions posed by government agencies, issuing formal legal opinions and assisting government agencies in the procurement process.
The Solicitor Division is also responsible for all matters relative to procurement by the Government of Guam. As part of its responsibility, it assists the OAG in reviewing contracts as to form and legality and advising Government of Guam agencies during all phases of procurement for acquisitions $500,000 or more..
Here are some procurement resources:
001 | Certification of Completed Procurement Record | May 07, 2012 |
002 | Affidavit Disclosing Ownership and Commissions | Nov 17, 2021 |
003 | Affidavit re Non-Collusion | Jul 12, 2010 |
004 | Affidavit re No Gratuities or Kickbacks | Jul 12, 2010 |
005 | Affidavit re Ethical Standards | Jul 12, 2010 |
006 | Declaration re Compliance with U. S. DOL Wage Determination | Feb 16, 2010 |
007 | Affidavit re Contingent Fees | Jul 15, 2010 |
008 | [for AG and SAAG use only] | – |
009 | [for AG and SAAG use only] | – |
010 | [for AG and SAAG use only] | – |
011 | [for AG and SAAG use only] | – |
012 | Notification of Procurement over $500,000 from Agency with SAAG | Apr 25, 2023 |
013 | [for AG use only] | – |
014 | Declaration RE Compliance with GCA § 5150 | Dec 13, 2011 |
015 | [pending “Certification of Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business”] | – |
016 | Phase Review Form for Competitive Bidding Procedure (Invitation for Bid) for Procurement $500,000 and Over | Aug 08, 2012 |
017 | Form for Fast-Tracking Human Services Procurement | Mar 05, 2013 |
018 | Reference Checklist for Request For Proposals (RFP) | Apr 25, 2023 |
019 | Reference Checklist for Invitation For Bid (IFB) | Apr 25, 2023 |
2003-01 | Announcement of AG Procurement Form 001 [updated by Circular Nos. 2008-01 and 2012-01] | May 14, 2003 |
2007-01 | Information about Restriction against Employment of Sex Offenders | January 11, 2007 |
2008-01 | Announcement of Revision to Form 001 | January 10, 2008 |
2010-01 | Compliance with P. L. 30-72 (re 5 GCA § 5150) | February 01, 2010 |
2010-02 | Procurement over $500,000 | June 23, 2013 |
2011-01 | Announcement of New AG Procurement Form 014 to Identify Estimated Cost of Procurement as Being $500,000 or More, or Less than $500,000, and Compliance with 5 GCA § 5150; Guidelines for Use | Decemeber 31, 2011 |
2012-01 | Announcement of AG Procurement Form 001 re-titled “Certification of Completed Procurement Record” with a revision date of May 7, 2012. The certification is required by 5 GCA § 5250. | May 14, 2003 |
2013-01 | Expediting Human Services Procurement | March 08, 2013 |
The Administration Division is responsible for the business processes of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and provides support to all divisions in the areas of personnel, financial management, procurement, payroll, technology, training, records management and federal grants administration.
General Crimes
The Attorney General is the Public Prosecutor for the Territory of Guam, and has designated the Criminal Division to prosecute in the name of the People of Guam all criminal cases. The Division prosecutes adult criminal cases involving felonies, misdemeanors, petty misdemeanors, and certain traffic offenses in the Superior Court of Guam, and certain cases in the U.S. District Court of Guam.
Criminal cases are investigated and referred for prosecution by the Guam Police Department. Other local agencies, including federal law enforcement, may also refer criminal cases. The Division may investigate criminal offenses on its own, including, but not limited to, sophisticated financial white collar crimes and government/public corruption. The Division prosecutes criminal tax cases in the U.S. District Court of Guam, upon referral by the Department of Revenue & Taxation. The Division also represents the People of Guam in criminal appellate cases brought to the Supreme Court of Guam.
Civil Litigation
The Litigation Division defends government of Guam agencies, officials (in their official capacity) and employees (in their official capacity) in civil litigation including suits for declaratory relief, Constitutional challenges to laws and government programs, torts, and employment litigation. The Litigation Division also handles all civil appeals and some criminal appeals.